Ein Plädoyer für baldmöglichste
In Europa droht wieder ein großer, langanhaltender Krieg. Mit dem Einmarsch russischer Truppen a
Es droht jetzt sogar ein längerer Konflikt. Er könnte sich ausweiten. Europa wurde schon durch zwei Weltkriege deutlich geschwächt .Nun droht ein weiterer langwieriger Konflikt, der Europa schweren Schaden zufügen könnte.
Diesmal versucht erneut ein Diktator namens Putin – Parallelen zu Hitler und Stalin drängen sich auf – der ganzen Welt seine historisch rückwärts gewandten Dominanzvorstellungen des alten Zarismus mit Waffengewalt aufzuzwingen. Dabei scheut es sich nicht, aus dem furchtbaren technischen Arsenal neueste Waffen einzusetzen. Auch Cyberwar, Sabotageakte, Atomenergie, Öl, Gas und Getreide werden als Waffen verwendet. Derselbe Gewaltherrscher unterdrückt mit brutaler Polizeigewalt, vorfabrizierten Gerichtsurteilen und langen Gefängnisstrafen, Meinungsunterdrueckung und Enteignungen seine eigenen Staatsbürger.
Frühere, in kleineren Konflikten wie in Kuba erfolgreiche Mediatoren wie der Papst, sprechen bereits mehrf
Die Nachkriegsordnung ist ins Wanken geraten. Mit der Politik der Aussöhnung schien die Gefahr eines größeren Kriegs gebannt.
Jetzt muss man sich wieder an einen Tisch setzen. Gefragt sind dabei vor allem die führenden Vertreter der europäischen Atommächte, Frankreich und Großbritannien. Rishi Sunak und Emmanuel Macron müssten die Linie vorgeben. Unser Kanzler Olaf Scholz ist dazu kaum in der Lage. Er gilt im europäischen Ausland und den USA als uncharismatischerZauderer. Seine Partei gilt bis heute als zu russland- und zu Putinfreundlich. Unser Land ist zudem militärisch ext
Es wird weiter gezündelt. Putin droht mit dem Einsatz von Atomwaffen. Auch die Energieinfrastruktur wird zerstört. Nach wie vor unklar ist, wer die Anschläge auf die Nord-Stream-Pipelines
Das Treffen für Verhandlungen könnte auf historischem Boden stattfinden, auch Paris, London, Berlin, Warschau oder Brüssel wäre möglich. Wie bereits ausgeführt, ist die Glaubwürdigkeit deutscher Politiker im Ausland derzeit nicht sehr groß. Mangels fehlender eigener militärischer Anstrengungen sind sie auf die verlässliche Unterstützung durch die USA und ihrer europäischen Partner angewiesen. Trotzdem könnte die deutsche Regierung versuchen, als Vermittler aufzutreten, um eine Friedensregelung und Nachkriegsordnung zu ermöglichen. Ein Stellvertreterkrieg, in dem die USA und die neue Großmacht China unter Xi im Hintergrund die Strippen ziehen, ist völlig unakzeptabel. Bei einer Friedenskonferenz irgendwo in Europa müsste daher auch Biden und Xi einbezogen werden.
Wichtig für Europa’s Verhandlungsposition sind folgende 4 Punkte:
1. alle von Russland okkupierten Gebiete müssen zurückgegeben werden,
2. es gibt keine Vorbedingungen an die Ukraine, mit welchen Staaten es sich verbündet.
3. Russland muss die Schäden wieder gutmachen und
4. es muss eine Gewalt- und waffenfreie Zone von allen direkt beteiligten Staaten garantiert werden.
Es gab 1945 ein allseits akzeptiertes Grundmotiv für Frieden “Never again!” Dies muss auch heute wieder das Ziel aller Staaten sein.
Es stimmt, wir erleben eine Zeitenwende. Hoffentlich wieder zum Guten. Dazu sind wir alternativlos verpflichtet, denn ein sich ausweitender Krieg kann grenzenlos vernichtend sein. Daher müssen Joe Biden und Xi aus China bei Friedenslösungen im Ukraine-Russland-Krieg einbezo
Ihr IEM Team
6. Januar 2023
For a new European peace order
A plea for peace talks at the highest level as soon as possible
Europe is once again facing the threat of a major, protracted war. With the invasion of Russian troops into Ukraine on February 24, 2022, Europe is once again the scene of bloody and loss-filled battles. On the Russian side alone, some 100,000 soldiers are said to have already fallen. This seemed unimaginable for a long time.
Now there is even the threat of a prolonged conflict. It could expand. Europe has already been significantly weakened by two world wars .Now there is the threat of another protracted conflict that could cause serious damage to Europe.
This time, a dictator named Putin – parallels to Hitler and Stalin suggest themselves – is again trying to impose his historically backward-looking ideas of dominance of the old tsarism on the whole world by force of arms. In doing so, it does not shy away from using the latest weapons from ist terrible technical arsenal. Cyberwar, sabotage, nuclear energy, oil, gas and grain are also used as weapons. The same tyrant oppresses ist own citizens with brutal police violence, prefabricated court sentences and long prison terms, suppression of opinion and expropriations.
Previous mediators, such as the Pope, who have been successful in smaller conflicts like Cuba, have already spoken several times of a „Third World War,“ for example on May 19, 2022: „The world is at war. A few years ago I came up with the idea of saying that we are experiencing the Third World War in bits and pieces. So for me today, World War III has broken out. And that is something that should make us think. What has happened to humanity that has experienced three world wars in a century? I live the first war in the memory of my grandfather on the river Piave. Then the second and now the third. And this is bad for humanity, a misfortune. You have to remember that in a century there have been three world wars, with all the arms trade behind them!“. On December 25, 2022, the Pope again warned against a „globalization of indifference.“ The „third world war in pieces“ has „dramatically developed before our eyes into a total third world war,“ and no one should „take this almost for granted“ (quoted from: https://www.vaticannews.va/de/papst/news/2022-12/papst-franziskus-ukraine-russland-vorwort-krieg-alle-besiegt.html).This is alarming. We share the Pope’s concerns. The Russian Orthodox Patriarch Cyril I also already called for a ceasefire. This is also an opportunity. A ceasefire can make it easier to resolve the conflict.
The post-war order has begun to falter. With the policy of reconciliation, the danger of a major war seemed to have been averted. This applied above all to the Western European states. Relations with the Eastern bloc states led by the Soviet Union remained fraught with tension until 1989. It was a „cold war,“ not „peaceful coexistence.“ This term of peaceful system competition was used by Nikita Khrushchev and his successors. It inaccurately describes the situation after Stalin’s death in 1953 to 1989, as many proxy wars took place. After the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe beginning in 1989, hopes rose that a lasting peace was possible. Political scientist Francis Fukuyama spoke of the „end of history.“ Democracy and a market economy had seemingly won out permanently, and bloc thinking, it was thought, had been overcome. Today, more than thirty years later, it is clear that this was an illusion. In Russia and China, totalitarian rule is once again being imposed from the top down. Russian President Vladimir Putin propagates the view that Ukraine belongs to Russia („fratricidal struggle“). In Ukraine, there is a different view. Military resistance, it is obvious, exceeded the expectations of the attackers.
Now they have to sit down at the same table again. The leading representatives of the European nuclear powers, France and Great Britain, are especially called upon to do so. Rishi Sunak and Emmanuel Macron would have to lead the way. Our Chancellor Olaf Scholz is hardly in a position to do so. He is regarded in other European countries and in the United States as an uncharismatic ditherer. His party is still considered too Russia- and Putin-friendly. Our country is also extremely poorly positioned militarily. It is possible to provoke conflicts through weakness, even if the German government (including previously during Angela Merkel’s term in office) may not be aware of this. Credible deterrence has been lacking for many years. The widespread desire for peace here is good. But securing peace will only succeed if an invitation to foreign domination is not made possible in defiance of the hard facts. Otherwise peace is no longer possible.
The fuse continues to be lit. Putin is threatening to use nuclear weapons. The energy infrastructure is also being destroyed. It is still unclear who carried out the attacks on the Nord Stream pipelines. U.S. President Joe Biden sent mixed signals. The US government can act more freely because the spreading conflict would not take place on ist territory. Europe is far away. Joe Biden happily shows willingness to talk to Putin if he would be willing to end the war. In the meantime, veteran former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger also advocated a cease-fire in Ukraine and negotiations.
The meeting for negotiations could take place on historic ground, Paris, London, Berlin, Warsaw or Brussels would also be possible. As already stated, the credibility of German politicians abroad is not very high at the moment. In the absence of their own military efforts, they depend on reliable support from the United States and their European partners. Nevertheless, the German government could try to act as a mediator to facilitate a peace settlement and post-war order. A proxy war in which the U.S. and the new great power China under Xi pull the strings in the background is completely unacceptable. A peace conference somewhere in Europe would therefore have to include Biden and Xi.
Important for Europe’s negotiating position are the following 4 points:
1. all territories occupied by Russia must be returned,
2. there are no preconditions to Ukraine, with which states it allies.
3. Russia must repair the damage, and
4. a zone free of violence and weapons must be guaranteed by all states directly involved.
There was a universally accepted basic motive for peace in 1945 „Never again!“ This must again be the goal of all states today.
It is true, we are experiencing a change of times. Hopefully for the good again. We have no alternative but to do so, because an expanding war can be devastating without limits. Therefore, Joe Biden and Xi of China must be included in peace solutions in the Ukraine-Russia war. Then China’s saber rattling around Taiwan could also be stopped. A war over Taiwan would be the next step in a global confrontation after Xi and Putin formed an alliance. Now, when Putin – rationally speaking – should also have a face-saving interest in ending the war with Ukraine, is possibly a good time.
IEM Team
copyright illustration: European Parliament Liaison Office